pájaro que comió, voló (bird that ate, flew away) - cctv.dull.life
november 2023
installation piece
shown at group exhibition from What Watt collective; gallery space Quartair, The Hague
The name ‘pájaro que comió, voló‘ comes from a proverb that uses the behavior of birds to illustrate a common human tendency: once people get what they need or want, they often leave or move on. This project arises from an investigation into modern ways of disposing of love, facilitated by the dynamics learned through dating apps.
The audience is invited to eat a piece of cake from a heart-shaped ceramic container in front of ceramic heart-motif tiles with a visceral appearance, resembling bread and veins. This act mirrors what the artist interprets as the behavior encouraged by dating apps: people come, consume, and leave.
Opposite to this work is ‘cctv.dull.life,’ where the audience's act of eating the cake is captured by a CCTV camera. Additionally, a screen displays four other live feeds from intimate spaces around the world—the homes of the artist's friends. The artist questions live intimacy, exploring what it means to have daily dull moments recorded and showcased in a gallery space.
Materials: ceramic tiles, metal structure, plant-based cake, soy heart-shaped candles, five live CCTV cameras, and footage on display.