hand made with soy wax at home
amsterdam oost
for orders
or more information
contact me at
The heart shape candles where born from the project ‘pájaro que comió, voló’ as decoration for an entrance that was inviting the audience to eat a cake in a heart-shaped ceramic container, symbolizing the disposability of modern love relationships facilitated by dating apps.
Even though the candles where born as a response towards frustration in my love life, the customers turned them into love candles, using them for celebration of love.
Candles come with 1, 2, 3 or 4 wicks.
I now make love candles, to celebrate love. Order by email :) they are 19 euro each.
Market at Soul2Soul Amsterdam May 2024
exhibition decoration for ‘What Watt Collective’ at Quartier The Hague, November 2023
Market WhatWatt Collective, KABK, The Hague, June 2023
My grandma always lights a candle when someone goes through something hard.
Sometimes she is busy and doesn’t have a candle with her in a few days, so i made her a digital one for her to intention wellness to whoever might neet it anytime. You are welcome to use it aswell: